Research, advocacy, and empowerment for a more inclusive community.

Our Research

The IREACH Lab focuses on research that empowers minoritized communities.

We study health disparities, intersectionality, identity-based marginalization within 2SLGBTQ+ BIPOC communities, gender and sexual fluidity, and social determinants of health.

Our aim is to use research to promote inclusivity in clinical care and mental health.

Health Disparities

Identity-Based Oppression

Underserved Communities


Tech Innovation & Intervention


Sexual Health & Body Positivity


“Science on identity-based marginalization provides clear evidence for how structural and systemic sources of oppression continue to disproportionately impact 2SLGBTQ+ people, particularly those who hold additional historically minoritized identities. We need to proactively work toward dismantling these sources of inequity. As a committee our efforts prioritize engaging in advocacy and policy reform to improve the lived experiences of queer, transgender, and gender diverse communities, as well as promoting inclusive education practices for undergraduate and graduate training and supervision in psychology.”